ma el foglak engedni, és új szelek irányába megyek tovább. kell. muszáj. és már én is akarom.
az éjszaka kisebb csodát hozott, így nem lesz olyan nehéz. mikor a langyos tavaszi éjszakában a trafik falához nyomtak, úgy éreztem, bár ezer óceánt telesírtam miattad, most mégis menni fog ez nélküled...
ma este búcsút intek, és nem lesz tovább, manó...
These tears I've cried.
I've cried a thousand oceans.
And if it seems I'm floating in the darkness
Well, I can't believe that I would keep,
Keep you from flying;
And I would cry a thousand more
If that's what it takes to sail you home,
Sail you home.
Sail you home.
I'm aware what the rules are.
But you know that I will run.
You know that I will follow you
Over Silbury Hill,
Through the solar field.
You know that I will follow you.
And if I find you
Will you still remember playing at trains,
Or does this little blue ball just fade away?
Over Silbury Hill,
Through the solar field,
You know that I will follow you.
I'm aware what the rules are,
But you know that I will run.
You know that I will follow you.
These tears I've cried.
I've cried a thousand oceans.
And if it seems I'm floating in the darkness
Well, I can't believe that I would keep,
Keep you from flying.
So I will cry a thousand more
If that's what it takes to sail you home,
Sail you home,
Sail you home.